
The Monthly Wort: Echinacea (Part 1)

The Monthly Wort: Echinacea (Part 1)

You might have seen this strange, cone-shaped flower sitting delicately in a field somewhere. Wouldn’t that make a beautiful wildflower bouquet? Then, you go to pick it and realize how sharp that bulb is on top! That’s Echinacea alright, subtle and surprising. Read this month’s Monthly Wort and learn about why herbalists enjoy this flower, from root to petal.

The Monthly Wort: Stinging Nettle (Part 4)

The Monthly Wort: Stinging Nettle (Part 4)

For the last part of Stinging Nettle, we’ll discuss how you can grow this vitamin filled deer/stranger repellant right in your own garden! From seed or from propagation, you can (carefully) keep nettle in your teas, sautees, yarn and more for a lifetime.

The Monthly Wort: Stinging Nettle (Part 3)

The Monthly Wort: Stinging Nettle (Part 3)

For all the pain this plant might cause, you’d think its magic would be just as prickly. However, if you read through this Monthly Wort on stinging nettle, you might find that this little green guy is only here to protect us. Check out this blog and find out more on the surprisingly charming magic of stinging nettle!

The Monthly Wort: Licorice Root (Part 3)

The Monthly Wort: Licorice Root (Part 3)

Part four of the Monthly Wort is going to be focusing on licorice root’s subtle, yet powerful effect on the heart, the soul and willpower. Join us and learn about the root that commands all!